For links to upcoming events,
more classes, more writings,
podcast appearances, and the like,
visit my linktree: ︎
Procession of the Night Theatre:
An Exposition on the Lunar Stations
(Revelore Press)
Shams al-Ma’arif (Sun of Knowledge)
An Arabic Grimoire in Selected Translation
(Revelore Press)
✦ Connecting Dots:
On the Stellar Origin of the Alphabet
(AstroMagia 24’)
✦ On the Origins of the 12 Houses
in Ancient Egyptian Solar Theology
✦ And the Flowers Bloomed Like Stars:
Plants of the Lunar Stations and Fixed Stars
Part 1 & 2
✦ The Lunar Stations
(Big Apple Astrology Group)
✦ A House of Stars
(The Golden Dome School)