
starnightdwell is the multimedia platform and astral moniker of J.M. Hamade, comprising podcast, writing, works of audio + video, as well as a stellar-spirit informed consultation practice.

For links to upcoming events as well as previous classes, podcast appearances, and the like, visit my linktree: ︎


J.M. Hamade (starnightdwell) (they/them) is an independent researcher, writer, and educator at the crossroads of occultism and artistic practice. Their work bridges contemporary creative modalities with archaic forms of knowing. Various species of ‘image magic,’ both general and historical, are explored through like practices of astrology, poetry, and oneiric journeying. Similarly, the investigation and experimental application of talismanic art forms is at the forefront of their work.

Consultation Testimonials

“Two weeks ago I got a fixed star reading from Jay and it was one of the best decisions I’ve made. I went into the reading not knowing much of anything about fixed stars. But Jay’s process was incredible thorough, his breadth of knowledge on the subject was awesome to witness, and his explanations were clear, kind, and thoughtful. I have so much information to work with and a boatload of practical magical advice to work through. Feell free to reach out to me if you have any questions about my experience. If you are thinking about getting one, do it. You won’t be disappointed.” -Cydney G. (@rosadarua ︎)

“I feel so fortunate to have had Jay’s attention and time with my chart. Jay’s breadth of knowledge and perspective is truly wonderful and in his singular way he provided me with information that was revelatory and extremely useful. The reading illuminated in new ways aspects of my ways of being that I had been familiar with but without such glittering insight. I consider him to be a touchstone in my spiritual practice.” -Autumn W.

“Working in a spiritual supply store I have seen and experienced a lot of people with gifts and talents that would blow many people's minds. It is not often that I feel called to even reach out to others to work with my chart and very few that I would even consider their insight into how I can creatively express my chart from a more magical lens. Jay is one of those people and with good reason. My expectations were met and then some. I am deeply grateful for being able to work with Jay, not only would I recommend him, I have recommended him to multiple people and even am going to get my partner a session with Jay. Appreciative and grateful for all of the time and dedication Jay has clearly put into the craft.” -Cameron A. (@cadream6 ︎)

“Being on my spiritual journey for some years now, I had many encounters and visions which I never really understood or could explain. I didn't expect to find the answers during an astrology reading :-) And also receiving advice how to further develop on those findings. I really advice everybody who has similar experience, to book a reading with J.M.Hamade this is a whole new dimension which will open up for you. Thank you J.M. Hamade!” -B.C. from the Netherlands

“I recently had a fascinating, fantastic & extremely helpful ancestral  and transit/forecasting reading with JM Hamade. I am so happy, because I received a lot of hope, inspiration, and many simple practical steps to take. Jay helped me a lot with how to work with my Ancestral issues, & with the rest of the current challenges in my life. I highly recommend Jay! He is very conscientious, and does a lot of preparation before the session. Did you know he does a specific individual mediumship meditation for each session - to get important deep insights & information for each of his clients? That is amazing, caring, and very rare. JM brought me a lot of impactful, helpful ideas, wisdom, knowledge, and solutions, and I'm very grateful. If you've been wondering whether or not to book, just book it right away, you're gonna be very glad that you did!!! I am telling all of my close friends to book with him! Thank you J for all of your help!!!” -Wendy W.